It all began with a parking spot

She was focused on securing the spot and he focused on backing up perfectly into said location.

Morgan hopped out of her car with George shortly following, only thinking of the successful snag and briefly her mind flicked to the fact that she may have noticed a car in front of her. After joining the small-dog side of the park, she noticed an extremely cute guy walking over to the big-dog side with an equally cute puppy leading the way. She scooped George up and away from the yapping pomeranian as there were much better prospects on the other side now.

After walking 3 blocks due to the blonde girl who stole his parking spot, he was irked to say the least. He saw her out of the corner of his eye while making his way to the very opposite side of the park. After entering through the gates, he let Jaxsen off his leash to run full speed into the pack of dogs. Only a few minutes passed before he saw her blonde head galavanting over to his area. Oh god, here she comes again. How can I ignore her in the small space? Why would she come even come over?

It wasn’t long before she had saddled up beside him as George seemed to have a innate instinct to make friends with his dog, Jaxsen. After several rounds of banter with Morgan driving the way to find pertinent personal details, Michael left the dog park without any inkling of interest or even a number left behind. He had zero interest in maintaining the conversation or extending it to anything beyond this dog park.

She ran home from the dog park and what was once an irksome day turned into the day she met Michael, the cute dog park guy. Rushing into the house, she screamed “I just met the hottest guy at the dog park, I am going to marry him”. Megan, her roommate and best friend, popped her head out of the kitchen hall ready to dive into this interaction and dissect every detail. After explaining that he mysteriously decided to not leave his number, Morgan had already located him on Instagram and showed the small profile picture to her friend. What’s the worst that could happen, he turns me down? And with that, the follow request was sent and a chat box opened up to send the eventual DM.

Michael saw the follow request come through, rather quickly in fact, considering there are several Michael White’s on Instagram. Despite his continued annoyance of this girl he thought she’s cute, might as well see what happens.

Michael: “Oh look you found me”

Morgan: “I did”

3 days later they had their first date, 3 months later he officially asked her to be his girlfriend, and now 3 years later there is a wedding date and the parking spot is long forgotten.

Editor’s note: The parking spot is not forgotten and the debate as to the rightful owner is still in active discussions between the parties